Login Yard/Craft/Bake Sales

   Event Details - Fund Raiser for MVHS


  • Start Date: Saturday May 18
  • End Date: Saturday May 18
  • Start Time: 12:00 PM
  • Location: Beaverbrook Kin Centre
  • Phone Number: 506-622-1780
  • Event Website: Website


12 NOON TO 6PM , Beaverbrook Kin Centre- Noon indoor BBQ, Bake sale, half/half, tickets on painting, 2pm music featuring - Villagers- Miramichi Fiddlers - Norman Young and Friends - Donna & Tyrone Hubbard - Ian Mahoney & Cindy Rule - Kirk Smith & Tim McKibbon - Wade Hallihan - Kate & Melissa Berry - Gerry Roberts & Aubrey Stewart - Susan Butler. Admission is a donation at the door. All proceeds for MVHS Drama Students going to Scotland this summer.

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